question community

What is a community? Any standard dictionary will define it as a group of people living together in a particular place, practicing a common ownership over the shared area. Generally there is no mention of moral standards when asked to uncover the meaning of a community, but why? Shouldn’t we wish to hold ourselves andContinue reading “question community”

a sociology of knowledge

It is important that we never forget our world is inherited. The foundation for our civilization has long since been established, and though much has been forgotten, we continue to build upon the genius and ingenuity of those that precede us. Peter Berger made famous an idea of the “sociology of knowledge” whereby just aboutContinue reading “a sociology of knowledge”

reality is complicated

Reality is complicated. Reality is boring. We are incapable or unwilling to handle its confusion. Instead we ask to be indulged and confronted by cliches, stereotypes and inspirational messages telling us we can be whoever we need to be, that we live in the greatest country in the world, that we are endowed with superiorContinue reading “reality is complicated”

keep calm and buy more shit

Somewhere along the line we have lost ourselves. People no longer have a reason to be reverent to their world, to approach it as sacred or to view life as anything more than a place of manufactured desire. It seems that materialism has taken hold of our hearts and as a result has denied usContinue reading “keep calm and buy more shit”

doing our best

We all try to do our best, and we are all constantly doing the dumbest shit possible, convincing ourselves we are winning a battle or overcoming an obstacle when really, we are just catching a momentary updraft in our unstoppable spiral glide into defeat and nonexistence. It’s tempting to think that somehow, love, or compassion,Continue reading “doing our best”

becoming monsters

The announcement came not with somber relief but unbridled euphoria. An exuberant celebration is more likely seen on video footage of foreigners who cheer an attack on us. We are becoming what we hate and celebrating bloodshed as easily as those who wish it upon us. Our moral demise begins when killing is no longerContinue reading “becoming monsters”